This page outlines the terms of use while accessing LANDAUER. (the "Domain") is owned and operated by LANDAUER AUSTRALASIA PTY LTD ("LANDAUER"). Your right of entry, use of and linking to the Domain is conditional upon your acceptance of the terms of use, warning notices, standards, rules contained in this document, at the Domain and/or any other publications by LANDAUER.
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Any use by you of the LANDAUER Website or any other web site operated by or on behalf of LANDAUER or its affiliates (together LANDAUER) is conditional upon and subject to these terms and conditions.
The materials at the LANDAUER Website (the "Content" or "Contents") including all real time and non-real time information and content, software programmes and all other design, text and images are owned, licensed or controlled by LANDAUER.
All trademarks and copyrights held by LANDAUER continue to be held by LANDAUER and may not be used by you or any other person or persons without express written agreement from the holders of such copyrights or trademarks.
The LANDAUER Website or any other web site operated by or on behalf of LANDAUER or its affiliates (together LANDAUER) is for your own personal use. You may not sell, copy, publish, distribute, modify, display, reproduce, either in hardcopy or in an electronic retrieval system, transmit, perform, broadcast, licence, rent, lease or create any derivative works from the Content or transfer any of the Content to any third person (including, without limitation, any person in your company or organisation) for any purpose whatsoever without the prior written consent of LANDAUER. Requests for such permission must be made to LANDAUER in writing.
The contents are obtained in good faith from a number of sources. LANDAUER believes the contents to be reliable, but the possibility of human error and the inherent hazards of distributing information electronically (including viruses) means that there may be delays, omissions, inaccuracies or corruption of data in the contents and they are provided to you on an "as is" basis without warranties of any kind.
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LANDAUER and its related bodies corporate and their respective officers, directors, employees, agents and licensors will not be liable for any losses or damages which may be suffered whether the same are suffered directly or indirectly or are immediate or consequential, which are:
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LANDAUER may from time to time provide links to you from the LANDAUER website for your convenience. Should you leave the website via a link contained in it, the content that you view therein is not provided by LANDAUER or us. Neither LANDAUER nor we are responsible for, nor have LANDAUER or we developed or reviewed
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LANDAUER reserves the right to revise these terms and conditions of use at any time and you are deemed to be aware of and bound by any changes to these terms and conditions upon publication on the LANDAUER website. LANDAUER reserves the
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